All pupils, when admitted and while studying in the school must make themselves acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will be no excuse.
All pupils must equip themselves with a complete outfit of everything that is necessary for their studies. They must use
their own material and be responsible for their safety. The School will not be responsible for books, money and other articles that are lost.
Pupils are expected to show respect to their teachers at all times. Every pupil should wish the members of the staff on the occasion of his/her meeting them for the day,
with in the school premises or outside.
No pupil should absent himself/herself from the school without leave of absence, except on a written application from parents or guardians for genuine reasons. In case of prolonged illness, the Principal I Headmistress should be informed.
No child who has been absent from the class will be admitted unless he/she brings a note from the parents or
guardian stating the reason for the absence.
No pupil is allowed to
leave the school premises during school hours
including short break and lunch break without the written permission of the Principal or Headmistress.
Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon.
Leave of absence from school for weddings, functions etc. shall be obtained previously.Irregular attendance at school,
insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to school work or misconduct in or outside the school are injurious
to the moral tone of the school, which are sufficient reasons for permanent or temporary dismissal of a pupil.
Any pupil who is found to have caused damage of
any kind in the class or the premises of the school will have to make good the damage done or replaced.
Gold ornaments are strictly prohibited. The school shall not bear any responsibility for the loss of such articles.Story books, Magazines or papers of any objectionable character should not be brought to the school.Electronic Gadgets are
strictly prohibited. Those of the students found possessing such articles in the school shall be dismissed from the school without prior notice.
Rule of touch:- No students shall do any kind of physical assault to any student for any reason.