Welcome to Stella Maris School

Stella is celebrating its 26th Annual Day and it is a great pleasure to be a part of this special occassion.

Pupils encounter learning experiences specifically structured to promote genuine enquiry. Pupils master learning processes and skills in addition to specific subject knowledge. We encourage an awareness of the language of learning. Within this, we examine the relationship between what is to be learned to what is known, providing for continuity in the learning process.
Pupils are taught 'The Golden Rules' of good behaviour to nurture an aptitude for effective individual study and to develop the skills of good citizenship within our school community.We carefully plan to deliver a differentiated curriculum, broad and balanced in content to meet the needs of pupils of differing abilities.


Improve Student Achievement And Close The Academic Achievement Gaps.


Academic Achievement Through Enhanced Instructional Delivery, Gained By Professional Development.


Strengthen collaboration between parent, student and teacher.